Latest Meet Up – Croyde Beach

Friday 30th December 2016 – at Croyde Beach, Croyde.

The second Meet Up of the UK Bodysurfing Association went ahead with a great turnout on the day and the swell providing some fantastic, quite challenging waves.

A group huddle – the UK Bodysurfing Association at Croyde Beach

There were loads of surfers there already, so very promising, although it did take a time for us all to group up at the pre-arranged meeting point at northern end of the beach. However we found each other (all 9 in total)!

After some time spent chatting we went on to assess the waves, and quickly decided on where the best area would be for us to venture out. As this didn’t take long we were soon geared up and heading out into the waves!

We reckoned the waves were a good 4 to 5 feet with some great hollows, but tending towards the dumping variety if your wave was not selected very carefully – the wave period was good at about 11 seconds.

Another plus was that the sea temperatures seemed up on those we experienced down at Watergate earlier in the month (or it could have been the new gloves!).

Given the types of waves we certainly needed to generate a decent velocity in order to catch them but were then rewarded with some excellent rides.

There were several who had taken the opportunity of a free taster session to come along and see what the UK Bodysurfing Association was all about. I personally think they all went away having had a fantastic time – helped by the excellent conditions on the day. We were certainly very pleased to see and meet them all, and we’re sure we’ll see many of them again.

After the session (some had been in for several hours by the end!) we all headed to the Thatch for a drink and to recount our experiences. There were plenty of things to talk about.


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